
Publicly accessible info


Zixuan Chen

Digital Alchemist

Original Characters

📖 Driven by a relentless curiosity.


  • Languages: Python, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, Java, Kotlin, C++
  • Frameworks: FastAPI, React, Next.js, Spring, Django, PyTorch
  • CI/CD: Github, Gerrit, GitLab
  • Cloud: AWS, Azure, Google Cloud
  • Containerization: Docker
  • Database: MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL
  • OS: Linux, MacOS, Win11
  • Testing: Pytest, JUnit, Jest
  • PM Tools: Jira, Zenhub


  • Time's Person of the Year in 2006 (is YOU
  • "Touching China" special awards, Person of the Year in 2008 (is all the people of China
  • Winner of the 'Olympic Cup' in 2022 (is all the people of China


  • Senior buyer at various major shopping platforms
  • Senior arbitrator at Zhihu and meituan
  • 2015 Hugo Award for Best Novel,reader

  • League of Legends, Diamond Rank summoner
  • Monster Hunter: World, the Sapphire Star hunter, master of Charge Blade
  • Renowned traveler of the teyvat continent
  • Trailblazer of the Honkai Universe