
Fun stuff built with 🤍

Personal Website

Personal Website

A Next.js, Tailwind CSS project which is based on Next App directory with React Server Component and uses Contentlayer to manage markdown content. It is my go-to place for sharing recent discoveries and experiences, as well as testing out front end technologies.

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My java and react implementation of a strategy-based board game for 2 players, inspired by the cliffside villages of Santorini Island in Greece. Players take turns building towers on a grid, with the goal of being the first to move one of their two workers on top of a three-story tower. The game introduces complexity through God Power cards, which grant players unique abilities

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Fluid Physics Simulator - 2D

Fluid Physics Simulator - 2D

A simulation engine implemented in Python and Taichi that uses the Position-Based Fluids (PBF) algorithm. It comes with several pre-configured scenes to showcase fluid dynamics, smoke simulation, and fluid-solid interaction.

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PBD Simulator - 3D

PBD Simulator - 3D

A simulation engine implemented in Python and Taichi that uses the Position-Based Dynamics (PBD) algorithm. It is designed to create and manipulate three-dimentional simulations and visualizations of rigid bodies, cloth, and ballons.

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